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What is the reason for the color deviation of the finished product printed by the UV printer?

Update time::2022-09-09    Number of views:2157

1. The problem of ink: according to the prices of different manufacturers, the ink is also different, as well as the brand of ink and whether it is imported. These will lead to the addition of different pigment components to the ink. Obviously, this will lead to different patterns of UV printers. Therefore, the original ink or a set of ink from the manufacturer must be selected to prevent nozzle blockage. Generally, the ink printing effect recommended by the manufacturer will be more delicate;

2. Problems with printout software. If the software is pirated, there is really no way to compare it with genuine software. If the color can't be exactly the same as the genuine software, the color can't be accurately restored, and the accurate data can't be transmitted to the print head of the UV printer naturally, so color deviation will occur.

3. Accuracy of UV printer itself. If the accuracy is low, the quality of the printed image will be blurred and color shifted, which is different from the effect of printing. Therefore, when purchasing equipment, we must choose the equipment of regular manufacturers, brand manufacturers and manufacturers with good reputation.

Shenzhen Danqing Intelligent Equipment Technology Co., Ltd
Address: Zhenxiong Industrial Park, No. 177, Renmin West Road, Kengzi, Jinsha community, Kengzi street, Pingshan District, Shenzhen
Tel: 13826531086
Email: 13826531086@139.com

Copyright: Shenzhen Danqing Intelligent Equipment Technology Co., Ltd.   Address: Zhenxiong Industrial Park, No. 177, Renmin West Road, Kengzi, Jinsha community, Kengzi street, Pingshan District, Shenzhen  粵ICP備2022097022號

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